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Age : 20
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2017-10-14
Location : Sweet Home Alabama

Some Kirby FCs! Empty Some Kirby FCs!

10/15/2017, 9:16 pm
Hello, there! You might remember me from my introduction post (Or not.)

Anyhow, I'm SupI'mMason, and I really have a passion for spriting, and storytelling! I have many plans in the future, but first, I want to get you guys' opinions on some of the things I make. After all, you can't grow without criticism.

I have many FC/OCs, but let's start with Kirby, my 2nd favorite game series.

Some Kirby FCs! Posefo11 This is my first character, Exoum Joe, but he prefers to just be called Exoum.

He's a hotheaded Fighter Joe with very ambitious dreams. I won't go too much into detail now, as I have plans for the future that will reveal more of his character, but his dream is a very big one.

Some of his moves include Comet Punch, Meteor Kick, Asteroid Bash, and Supernova Combo. (He's obsessed with space and galaxies.)

Okay, that one's done! Time for the next one!

Some Kirby FCs! Posefo10 This is SW-40R7, an artificial puffball, but the name Exoum gave her was Kiiama.

She was an artificial Star Warrior created just for demonstration, but she gained sentience after being hit with the Star Rod. She doesn't know much about Dream Land, Exoum became friends with her after discovering she was a pseudo-Star Warrior.

Kiiama's ability involves teleporting! She can teleport from one place to the other, and she can teleport up to two people with her.

This might not be helpful in a battle, but it's pretty helpful for getting around!

Anyhow, if you have any questions about them, feel free to ask, and also feel free to critique them and ask what I can do to make them more original, as they're just recolors at the moment.

Thanks for reading!
Age : 18
Number of posts : 22
Registration date : 2017-02-11
Location : United Kingdom

Some Kirby FCs! Empty Re: Some Kirby FCs!

10/16/2017, 6:09 am
SupI'mMason wrote:Hello, there! You might remember me from my introduction post (Or not.)

Anyhow, I'm SupI'mMason, and I really have a passion for spriting, and storytelling! I have many plans in the future, but first, I want to get you guys' opinions on some of the things I make. After all, you can't grow without criticism.

I have many FC/OCs, but let's start with Kirby, my 2nd favorite game series.

Some Kirby FCs! Posefo11 This is my first character, Exoum Joe, but he prefers to just be called Exoum.

He's a hotheaded Fighter Joe with very ambitious dreams. I won't go too much into detail now, as I have plans for the future that will reveal more of his character, but his dream is a very big one.

Some of his moves include Comet Punch, Meteor Kick, Asteroid Bash, and Supernova Combo. (He's obsessed with space and galaxies.)

Okay, that one's done! Time for the next one!

Some Kirby FCs! Posefo10 This is SW-40R7, an artificial puffball, but the name Exoum gave her was Kiiama.

She was an artificial Star Warrior created just for demonstration, but she gained sentience after being hit with the Star Rod. She doesn't know much about Dream Land, Exoum became friends with her after discovering she was a pseudo-Star Warrior.

Kiiama's ability involves teleporting! She can teleport from one place to the other, and she can teleport up to two people with her.

This might not be helpful in a battle, but it's pretty helpful for getting around!

Anyhow, if you have any questions about them, feel free to ask, and also feel free to critique them and ask what I can do to make them more original, as they're just recolors at the moment.

Thanks for reading!

Hey Mason, uh I guess it's time to offer criticism!

First FC; Exoum
Recolor, recolor, recolor. I don't want to be too hard on you, but recolors are not good.

With an FC it's best to add something you've sprited yourself so that they're unique. A recolored Kirby (or Knuckle-Joe in your case) isn't going to get you anywhere.
However less it still more. An FC should be unique, but you don't want 74 highly saturated colors, DBZ hair, Sonic shoes and a giant hat.

Take my FC:Some Kirby FCs! Shackl11- Shackle. I got a Kirby spritesheet, recolored it to a custom pallete, then sprited some goggles for them to wear.

Second FC: Kiiama

Basically the same criticism, but this one is slightly better. You did something with the eyes, which I honestly like. Maybe just one small feature like gloves or a hat would be good.

Take my criticism with a grain of salt (please tell me I'm using that right), I'm not some FC-making mastermind. But I've made the mistakes before.
Age : 20
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2017-10-14
Location : Sweet Home Alabama

Some Kirby FCs! Empty Re: Some Kirby FCs!

10/16/2017, 11:00 am
JustJoe wrote:Hey Mason, uh I guess it's time to offer criticism!

First FC; Exoum
Recolor, recolor, recolor. I don't want to be too hard on you, but recolors are not good.

With an FC it's best to add something you've sprited yourself so that they're unique. A recolored Kirby (or Knuckle-Joe in your case) isn't going to get you anywhere.
However less it still more. An FC should be unique, but you don't want 74 highly saturated colors, DBZ hair, Sonic shoes and a giant hat.

Take my FC:Some Kirby FCs! Shackl11- Shackle. I got a Kirby spritesheet, recolored it to a custom pallete, then sprited some goggles for them to wear.

Second FC: Kiiama

Basically the same criticism, but this one is slightly better. You did something with the eyes, which I honestly like. Maybe just one small feature like gloves or a hat would be good.

Take my criticism with a grain of salt (please tell me I'm using that right), I'm not some FC-making mastermind. But I've made the mistakes before.

Thank you for your criticism, JustJoe! I'll be sure to take it into account! After all, you can't grow without it, is what I've learned.
Age : 22
Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2017-10-13

Some Kirby FCs! Empty Re: Some Kirby FCs!

10/18/2017, 8:39 pm
Hello Man,your FC/OC is very cool,can you give me a Sprite Sheet of one of thems for a animation?
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