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Age : 18
Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2017-11-19

kirby - Zachary (my kirby fan character) Empty Zachary (my kirby fan character)

11/20/2017, 1:16 am
kirby - Zachary (my kirby fan character) Zachar10

hope you enjoy!
(p.s: All sprites were edited by me! The sword was actually blue.)
(p.p.s: Sprites may be small, as these are "Squeak Squad" sprites)

Last edited by TheFieryDiamond on 11/20/2017, 1:23 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Needed to clarify, and give more information.)
Age : 22
Number of posts : 51
Registration date : 2015-10-24
Location : In a galaxy far, far, a

kirby - Zachary (my kirby fan character) Empty Re: Zachary (my kirby fan character)

11/21/2017, 8:02 pm
Looks good, but needs overall improvement. No offense but, the headband looks poorly made. It feels like you went to Paint, and went all out without knowing the fundamentals of spriting. I feel like that you should try spriting small stuff before you go straight to doing a Kirby FC.
For the headband, I would recommend that you should've used Kirby's fighter ability for your FC, but that would just be a recolor. Recolors aren't bad for a beginner but they could be, so much better.

Add a hat, Give it some shoes, Add some face decals, do more! Make the FC look unique!
Age : 18
Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2017-11-19

kirby - Zachary (my kirby fan character) Empty Re: Zachary (my kirby fan character)

11/21/2017, 8:24 pm
To Davidchao29,
Thanks for the feedback! About the headband, The reason it's sloppy is (probably) because I used a track-pad on my laptop as I lost my Intuos' pen. I would use something like the path tool in GIMP, but Fireworks doesn't have that. As for things like hats or shoes, I currently have Macromedia Fireworks 8 open, adding sprites and revamping old ones. Maybe I could add those! (Even though they look fine in my opinion). Also, by face decals, do you mean like hair, or armor? I...don't really know what you mean. But since you like recolors (i think...), I'm proud to say Zac is one! So, I hope that clarified some things.
(P.S: I like your avatar. And about the fight animations, KEEP ON GOING! As Shia LaBeouf once said, "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! JUST DO IT!")
(P.P.S: Have you seen my first sprite animation?)
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