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11/10/2017, 4:59 am
Chapter 1: Getting Your Sprite Sheet
We get it, we get it. You wanna make a sprite library, but you don't know what to make? Crazy, right?! Nah. That's exactly how I felt. Go to Google Images and search up some kind of sprite that you want to turn into an organized sprite library so you can make some cool things with it. We can start off with a Knuckles sprite sheet, or something. Make sure you don't start off with something big, or something that will be way too time consuming. Start off small, and short. Once you found the sprite sheet you want, right-click the image, and click "Save Image." After that, drag the downloaded file into your animation program (made for the Flash series.)
Chapter 2: The Basics
Now, you have your sprite sheet in your library, and in your workspace. You can't do anything with the sprite sheet, yet. It's just a picture, afterall. Nothing good is going to come out of it... Yet. You'll have to turn it into a traced bitmap. To do this, you'll need to press these buttons. Don't press them at the same time, it's a sequence. Alt, M, B, B. This stands for Menu, Modify, Bitmap, Trace Bitmap. Don't immediately press okay, though! You'll need to change some settings. The color threshold setting would be set to 1, the Minimum area will be set to 1 pixel, the Curve fit will be set to Pixels, and the Corner threshold will be set to many corners. Failure to complete this correctly will mix the colors, and make your flash even laggier than usual. Please go over the settings carefully. Now you can press the okay button, and let the magic unfold. If it freezes your flash, then the sprite sheet is either too complicated/detailed, or it's HUGE. Split up the sprite sheet in paint.net, assuming you know how. Should you not know, I'll probably edit this post. If you do have to split it up, and you don't know what to do, go to Chapter 2b. If not, skip Chapter 2b, and go to Chapter 3.
Chapter 2b: Split Image Sprite Sheets
You decided to choose something big or detailed, eh? Bad choice, big fella. But I'll help you with it, anyway. When you split up your sprite sheet, move all of them into one flash project. Organize the sprite sheet semi-normally, the only different part being that you only organize one part at a time, instead of tracing each part at once.Basically what I'm saying is, drag one part of the sprite sheet from the library into the workspace. Next, trace the bitmap and organize that piece. Once you did that, do the second part, and so-on.
Chapter 3: Organization
Once you have the tracing part down, you'll need to start organizing it. Select one full sprite by clicking and dragging over it and then press F8. When selecting, precision is key! Now it's time to create the symbol. Depending on what the sequence of sprites looks like, you'll type it like action1_x, action being what he looks like he's doing. When you create the symbol, and it extends longer than the actual sprite, you also selected something other than the sprite. Try again, and try to be more precise, this time! To do this faster, you'd type in "action1_", (without the quotes, and the action being replaced with what it looks like,) and copy that. Then, you can paste it in, anytime. For example:Knuckles looks like he's taunting, so I'd type in taunt1_1 for the first sprite in the sequence. In GIF form:
Notice how I copied and then pasted the action multiple times for emphasis on what I did. This quickens the process. Now, when you convert the sprite into a symbol, you delete it, to save space, and to reduce the lag that comes with the organization process. It's preferred to duplicate it into a graphic, or animate the symbol. Continue to do this until there is nothing left, and then, you're nearly done.
Chapter 4: The categorization, the end, and the publication
Nearly there, guys! If you've gotten this far, I thank you for spending your time to read this. It took a while to do this because of my sickness, but I'm back and stronger. So, to categorize the sprites, you're gonna go into your library, (to the right of the animation program,) and have a look at the beautiful work you've done. Now, if you want to be extra specific, you can make a whole category, and then make subcategories, but we won't cover that in this chapter. Click the start of one part of the sequence you did, starting from action(1_1), and then click to the end of that sequence while holding shift, which is usally ends at action1_6. Click "Move to New Folder." and type in the generalized name of the sequence. ThumbsUp1_x would be Thumbs Up. Do this for everything!Chapter 4b: The categorization, the end, and the publication (cont.)
Now, we're really at the end! Really, thank you for reading! You get to live on my legacy! Writing this was very time consuming! Now that you've categorized all your folders, you get to over-categorize them! Yay! So, let's say you have Thumbs Up, Fist Taunt, Freeze Frame, and all that jazz for folders. You're going to select all of those in your library, right click the highlighted ones, and click "Move to New Folder." You're going to put the name as "Taunts", because they all fit in the category of Taunting. So, with the standing folder, you're going to put it as "Idle", because standing goes under the category of being idle. That's all, really. If this needs to be extended, so be it.Publishing it to TheSpritas or anywhere else that supports animation/sprite animation is a can, not a must. Make sure you credit the creators! If you can't find the creator of the sprite sheet, then say it in the forum.
Last time, thank you for reading, guys! Good luck on your future endeavors! Suggestions are accepted anytime!
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