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  • Announcement & Sticky
  • New Members, read this before posting! by Rapidfir3Pho3nix
    Introductions 47-8Rapidfir3Pho3nix Last Posts View latest post
    10/12/2016, 11:33 am
    Replies: 0 Views: 1442
  • Topics
  • Just introducing myself... by PixelPiece
    Introductions 1812-14sokkah abdelkader Last Posts View latest post
    12/28/2017, 1:09 am
    Replies: 1 Views: 730
  •  by AGranolaBar
    Introductions 47-8Rapidfir3Pho3nix Last Posts View latest post
    10/22/2017, 12:07 pm
    Replies: 1 Views: 846
  • Click for yeet memes (ClickBait) by Mouser64
    Introductions 47-8Rapidfir3Pho3nix Last Posts View latest post
    10/22/2017, 12:03 pm
    Replies: 3 Views: 819
  • This is my introduction! by SupI'mMason
    Introductions 2766-78Zeintilo14 Last Posts View latest post
    10/15/2017, 6:43 pm
    Replies: 1 Views: 701
  • About me i guess... by espioner12
    Introductions 47-8Rapidfir3Pho3nix Last Posts View latest post
    10/13/2017, 3:05 pm
    Replies: 1 Views: 695
  •  by *FreshWoomy*
    Introductions No_ava11Guest  Last Posts View latest post
    10/12/2017, 7:58 pm
    Replies: 1 Views: 644
  •  by Sploosh
    Introductions 2747-82Silver The Fox Last Posts View latest post
    9/10/2017, 7:46 am
    Replies: 1 Views: 969
  •  by RainbowPotchy
    Introductions 47-8Rapidfir3Pho3nix Last Posts View latest post
    8/28/2017, 3:12 pm
    Replies: 1 Views: 720
  • An old sprite animator TRYING to make a return! by S.W.A.T.KatMcCall
    Introductions 47-8Rapidfir3Pho3nix Last Posts View latest post
    8/19/2017, 11:08 am
    Replies: 1 Views: 745
  • want to be a sprite animatior by Streak the fox
    Introductions 2612-44PixelatedIvan Last Posts View latest post
    6/30/2017, 6:21 pm
    Replies: 6 Views: 974
  •  by Cloney21
    Introductions 404-775h0ck Last Posts View latest post
    6/17/2017, 7:01 am
    Replies: 1 Views: 698
  •  by Xubin
    Introductions 2612-44PixelatedIvan Last Posts View latest post
    6/9/2017, 7:15 pm
    Replies: 3 Views: 732
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