- SplooshSpritan
- Age : 24
Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2017-09-02
Good sprite animation programs?
9/2/2017, 6:41 am
I've wanted to be a sprite animator for quite a bit. (Mainly cuz of Squirrelkid's animations) But I don't have the correct software to animate. So what should I use?
Re: Good sprite animation programs?
9/10/2017, 7:46 am
Adobe flash CS3 and Flash 8 are the best for sprite animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg_cYMKxd24 heres a tutorial for sprite animation and a fully organized link sprite https://www.thespritas.com/t7486-link-organized-sprite-sheet also a link to free Adobe flash http://www.mediafire.com/file/y5w4h2hw34e26ae/Flash8-en.exe have fun
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