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Age : 22
Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2018-09-09

Random Battles #2 preview  Empty Random Battles #2 preview

12/24/2019, 1:33 pm
Age : 20
Number of posts : 43
Registration date : 2019-03-23

Random Battles #2 preview  Empty Re: Random Battles #2 preview

1/2/2020, 12:58 am
eyyy this kinda looking decent
I suggest having some effects with the blending effect as screen or lighten, that way it removes the blackness n stuff
I also suggest shadic looking at the orb, or like having his eye catch the attention of the sound being emitted, and then have him look around for the energy orb. Don't just let him be there standing there for nothing lmao
At 0:17 might wanna change the background a bit because we clearly saw gogeta going to the right as he got kicked, but then all of a sudden he's coming from the left with the same background position or something
Anyways keep it up my guy Very Happy
Also I believe this isn't the right forum, should probably go in the wips section since you aren't abandoning the animation... I think
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