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Age : 32
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Registration date : 2010-09-08
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Dragon ball Z Frieza's Wish Collab 1 & 2 Empty Dragon ball Z Frieza's Wish Collab 1 & 2

3/12/2018, 1:17 pm
What's good everybody! Its yo boy 5h0ck reappearing like a ninja once again.
That being said my absence was not uneventful. Ive been apart of this DBZ fan film slowly but surely removing the rust to bring in what was originally a movie
but got pushed into being 3 maybe 4 episodes, I don't know yet, either way only episodes 1 and 2 are out.

Now if for some reason you don't want to see the full video and are only interested in my part then go straight to episode 2 and skip to 14:44 I pretty much did the whole Piccolo fight scene from that point onward. Hope you guys enjoy and I'll be back for episode 3.



Last edited by 5h0ck on 3/12/2018, 2:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
Age : 29
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Dragon ball Z Frieza's Wish Collab 1 & 2 Empty Re: Dragon ball Z Frieza's Wish Collab 1 & 2

3/12/2018, 2:00 pm
Hmm didn't know you could straight up embed from newgrounds now. That's awesome. Also yeah that's definitely too long for me to check out right now lmfao

I watched most of the piccolo fight scene though. Looks pretty good. I guess if you want a little Cnc it might help to work on your cinematics. I don't know if that's the right word but for example when Piccolo kicked the dude into space he just flew up and was suddenly in space. IMO, that scene could have been better if when Piccolo kicked him he flew into the green sky and you tweened him getting smaller (to simulate him flying away) and then cut to space and show him flying in space and that shows he got kicked into space. So yeah idk if cinematics is the right word for that but yeah your animations are already pretty good but I think working a bit more on cinematics might help a bit. or not it's up to you LOL
Age : 32
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Registration date : 2010-09-08
Location : Drinking your expired K

Dragon ball Z Frieza's Wish Collab 1 & 2 Empty Re: Dragon ball Z Frieza's Wish Collab 1 & 2

3/12/2018, 2:34 pm
I understand what you mean, I did think about something similar, but ultimately went against it, because I felt that, by having him get launched to space at such a great speed it would better emphasize just how hard Piccolo kicked him. Looking back I probably could have done a better job conveying that though. But yea I get what you mean

I did ALOT of experimenting in this. I used some flash tools I never even heard of before(envelope) Did a first person perspective which I never did in any of my past vids(or if I have I simply don't remember) some poses were custom made(seriously piccolos official sprites are 90% kicks, some punches had to be made) I even made/edited some effects, I could not for the life of me find any GOOD looking special beam cannon sprites. I took the crappy one I had as a base and edited the fuck out of it. But yea there was just so much experimenting on this on top of being rusty, but if you and the others say its good then I say my efforts paid of.

As for embedding you could always do it. I even had a mini tut on it a long ass time ago. But back then it was such a retarded and unnecessary process. But these days all you have to do is click share and the option is there. I think they added that option around the same time they implemented video uploads.
Age : 26
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Dragon ball Z Frieza's Wish Collab 1 & 2 Empty Re: Dragon ball Z Frieza's Wish Collab 1 & 2

3/15/2018, 8:00 pm
i looked a bit at the rest of the videos, but i think it's kinda pointless for me to point out stuff in those parts.

in terms of animation, the biggest problems seem to be:

  • most motion happens in a straight line. this isn't bad in a lot of cases here, given the style of fighting, but a lot of what people call "fluidity" comes from having things move across nice and smooth curves.

    the worst offenders here are motion paths that obviously should be curves but aren't, e.g.


    and so on.

    for fixing these, you have 2 reasonable options: doing it frame-by-frame or using symbols to regain control over a specific property (in this case, separate control over horizontal/vertical motion).

    there are some other options, such as the new tweens available in CS4 onwards, and motion guides, but the former are terrible to use, and the latter are not really what you want, most of the time.


  • sometimes there's a movement that really needs some acceleration/deceleration but you simple make it constant, which again, affects fluidity, but also just looks kinda weird, thinking about what the characters are doing physically.

    this is really noticeable in the part where piccolo is firing a bunch of energy orbs at the other guy and we see piccolo from the front. all the camera movement is always happening at a constant rate, which looks really awkward.



  • straight up bevels just don't look very good most of the time. it works if you use it to fake rim lighting, but that's about it.


    i'd rather just scribble over the forms of the character like so:


    (this isn't accurate or anything, but you get the idea).

    if you don't have the time for that, i'd just leave it out, or at least leave only the light portion of the bevel.

  • some effects don't have a more appropriate blending mode set.

    also, a bunch of them were not big enough so you could tell where the bounding boxes were. it looks really messy.

  • there's zero parallax. it's not a big deal, but it makes the background look less like a still image.

  • this part with the crater looked really odd in motion.


don't know if you have anything to do with the sounds here, so i'm not commenting on that.

let me know if something doesn't make sense.
Age : 32
Number of posts : 7619
Registration date : 2010-09-08
Location : Drinking your expired K

Dragon ball Z Frieza's Wish Collab 1 & 2 Empty Re: Dragon ball Z Frieza's Wish Collab 1 & 2

3/15/2018, 9:06 pm
Leo wrote:i looked a bit at the rest of the videos, but i think it's kinda pointless for me to point out stuff in those parts.

in terms of animation, the biggest problems seem to be:

[*]most motion happens in a straight line. this isn't bad in a lot of cases here, given the style of fighting, but a lot of what people call "fluidity" comes from having things move across nice and smooth curves.

the worst offenders here are motion paths that obviously should be curves but aren't, e.g.


and so on.

for fixing these, you have 2 reasonable options: doing it frame-by-frame or using symbols to regain control over a specific property (in this case, separate control over horizontal/vertical motion).

there are some other options, such as the new tweens available in CS4 onwards, and motion guides, but the former are terrible to use, and the latter are not really what you want, most of the time.


[*]sometimes there's a movement that really needs some acceleration/deceleration but you simple make it constant, which again, affects fluidity, but also just looks kinda weird, thinking about what the characters are doing physically.

I think I get what your saying here, basically my gravity is off right?

Leo wrote:visuals:

[*]straight up bevels just don't look very good most of the time. it works if you use it to fake rim lighting, but that's about it.


i'd rather just scribble over the forms of the character like so:


(this isn't accurate or anything, but you get the idea).

if you don't have the time for that, i'd just leave it out, or at least leave only the light portion of the bevel.

that actually looks really cool.

Leo wrote:also, a bunch of them were not big enough so you could tell where the bounding boxes were. it looks really messy.

honestly I actually completely forgot about those lol

Leo wrote:don't know if you have anything to do with the sounds here, so i'm not commenting on that.

sound effects in general were all me. Music was added in by Mystic. Though if your talking about the delay and misaligned sounds that was an error in the converting process, the original swf was all good in that category.

as for the voices and subtitles they were added in by mysticskillz after the fact, except for the voice clip at the end for "Hellzone Cannon" I asked for that specifically since that special move was all my idea. but again something about converting it from swf to video screwed with the audio's alignment, audio quality on the other hand remained intact.

As far as script goes I had total freedom in animation, my only instructions were, don't kill characters, and make hunter transform at end.

also everything that happened before my timestamp of 14:44 was added in afterward as well.
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