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Age : 30
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2015-11-23

Custom Wing Sprites Empty Custom Wing Sprites

1/16/2017, 7:47 pm
I need someone's help with making and animating custom wing sprites for a Kirby FC of mine.  I've tried, but obviously it's beyond my skill level.  I can't use any existing ones because this isn't only for animation.  Even then, however, I prefer having wings that match the appearance of the wings of said character.  I will provide a quick ref to whoever decides to help out.  I did have someone helping me with it, but they suddenly left without warning and I don't know whether or not they'll even be coming back.

Also, I was not completely sure where to put this.
Age : 35
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Custom Wing Sprites Empty Re: Custom Wing Sprites

2/27/2017, 7:03 pm
Can you show us what you have, and give us an better idea of what you want?
Age : 30
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2015-11-23

Custom Wing Sprites Empty Re: Custom Wing Sprites

5/17/2017, 10:27 pm
I didn't think anyone would respond. I guess to be fair I didn't show anything to start with so my bad there.  Also, sorry for the lateness.  ^^'

These are the sprites I've done so far.  Ignore the mess.  I haven't worked on it for a while.
Custom Wing Sprites P4ihL7Y

Here's a quick ref of the puffball FC (sorry for the huge image size, this is directly from my phone).  I couldn't do a proper back ref but in fairness it's probably better not to include the wings for that so the whole back can be seen anyway.
Custom Wing Sprites 93fSiMi

The tail is meant to be thin like that.
Age : 29
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

Custom Wing Sprites Empty Re: Custom Wing Sprites

5/19/2017, 1:05 pm
wtf Idk why but I can't seem to open your picture on any program on my computer.

This is probably because I'm not a spriter but what's wrong with the wings you have? They look okay to me. In some of the wing sprites it might help if at the bottom of the lighter shade you erase some of the sprites to pronounce the curves of the flesh part of the wing from bone to bone. Idk if that made any sense lmao.

The only other thing I can think of is to try to shape up the sprites a bit more but like I said earlier I'm not a spriter so I can't really give you much help with that
Age : 32
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Custom Wing Sprites Empty Re: Custom Wing Sprites

5/19/2017, 3:43 pm
are you going to the menu and using open or are you only trying to drag and drop it? sometimes theres this weird glitch in programs that prevent drag and drop. either use the menu, or change the properties to open as admin(if that don't work then its some other setting that needs changing)
Age : 29
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

Custom Wing Sprites Empty Re: Custom Wing Sprites

5/19/2017, 8:31 pm
Nah I am right clicking it and saving it and then trying to open it normally
Age : 30
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2015-11-23

Custom Wing Sprites Empty Re: Custom Wing Sprites

5/20/2017, 3:16 am
As I said, animating customs is currently beyond my skill level and I should probably not push it if I'm not ready for such, so I still need someone's help.

From what I've heard, spriting wings is a little difficult anyway.

Also, try opening it in Paint or some other image editing software? You could also try 'open with' by right clicking the saved file's name.
Age : 29
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

Custom Wing Sprites Empty Re: Custom Wing Sprites

5/21/2017, 7:01 pm
Yeah I had it saved on my computer and it wouldn't open in anything I was trying to open with it

paint, paint.net, photoshop, image viewer, gimp, lmao nothing worked lmao
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