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Age : 29
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

Rules of the Animation Help Forum Empty Rules of the Animation Help Forum

10/12/2016, 12:17 pm

Rules of the Animation Help Forum

This forum is dedicated to asking for help with regards to animation software or any actionscript problems you are having. Additionally, members may post here to ask for help for looking for a certain resource. If you need help looking for a particular resource understand that you need to be really descriptive to help people help you find what you're looking for. The more information you provide the better other members will be able to help you find your needed resource. Additionally, if you have examples (such as a sound effect used in a video), then that would be ideal. Before creating a topic asking for help finding a resource look around the site to make sure it hasn't already been posted or do a good search using Google so that easy to find things don't clutter this forum.

This forum is not for asking for construct criticism on your animations. If you want some constructive criticism then simply post your animation in the Animations forum.

Happy Posting!
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