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Age : 29
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

Rules of the Collaborations Forum Empty Rules of the Collaborations Forum

10/12/2016, 12:03 pm

Rules of the Collaborations Forum

This is the Collaborations Forum where you'll find the different kinds of collaborations hosted on The Spritas. If you see a collaboration that interests you, then don't hesitate to join in on the fun! However, sometimes collaborations can get a bit ... tricky so here are some rules to help things flow a bit more smoothly.

When creating a collab:

Remember, animations are very technical works so it's in your best interest to include as much information as possible about what will be happening in your collab. Understand that your idea alone will not carry your collab to success, it will be the communication and ability between you and your collab members. To facilitate your collab's success, I highly suggest creating a Discord server for you collab. If you don't know what Discord is or how to use it, just Google it. It's a really nice application that I'm sure you'll continue using and seeing

Other pieces of information that you should have when making a collab are:

  • The idea of your collab (duh)
  • Deadlines (try to be reasonable here)
  • The programs that will be used (Flash, After effects, paint, etc)
  • The versions of those programs that will be used (Flash CS3, Flash CS6, etc)
  • If you're using Flash it's very important to include which Actionscript version your collab will require
  • The dimension of the animations (1920x1080, 1280x720, etc)
  • If you're taking video you may consider how the video should be rendered
  • Frames per second
  • Minimum and Maximum length of parts
  • Number of parts members can enter
  • General themes of animations (should every part take place in a city?)
  • Technical ability (maybe you only want good animators)
  • And so on and so forth

Including the most information you can about your collab will give it a higher likelihood of being completed. Understand that if a collab goes a very long time (a few months or so) without any updates then it will be considered dead and moved to the Unfinished Collaborations forum.

When joining a collab:

First off and foremost, do not join a collab if you do not think you can make a part by the proposed deadline. It's understandable if suddenly your computer dies or you have a lot of real life stuff you're suddenly going through, but please be realistic with yourself about how much time you really have when you enter a collab. There are no real consequences for not turning in a part when you join a collab, however, it's still incredibly disrespectful and a giant waste of time.

Secondly, do not bash or berate any members for the collab idea. If you have a problem with someone's collab then just don't join it and put it out of your mind. Simple as that really.

Lastly, if your part is not accepted because it doesn't meet the specified requirements then don't get upset and start flaming the collab host and the collab itself. Doing so will result in penalties and depending on your behavior could result in bans. Just accept that your part did not make it and move on.

Please keep all these things in mind when you're making or joining a collab.

Happy Posting!
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