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Age : 16
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2023-05-11
Location : behind you

New guy in town Empty New guy in town

5/11/2023, 10:57 pm
What up, I'm That-One-Mega-Man.
I've technically done some sprite animations already but they're just some tests I can't upload to Newgrounds because they're too short
I mainly do Megaman and Sonic stuff but I could do other things like Touhou if I wanted (I just haven't had the motivation to do a Touhou test)
Anyways sorry if this is short, just wanted to introduce myself lol
Looking forward to being here!
Age : 28
Number of posts : 20149
Registration date : 2010-09-15
Location : Madison Wisconsin

New guy in town Empty Re: New guy in town

5/22/2023, 5:41 pm
Welcome, Brother! I’m Pingboy!

This community has a huge history of creators, during a time when it was lively and frequent with interaction.

It still is.

There is a Discord server that is active everyday. The adapting to Mobile App platforms and social medias have made the use of forums less frequent.

While the forum feels like a ghost town, it harbors countless times of what felt like a heartwarming comedy, but when we got down to it— our animations always felt like an action/adventure. Everything creative that I do (and I mean all) professionally with art, music, sounds, illustrations and videos all began here. You can use the forum to obtain knowledge that isn’t common on Youtube.

If you’d like to join the server, let me know back here on this topic. :)
Age : 16
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2023-05-11
Location : behind you

New guy in town Empty discordless

5/25/2023, 7:30 pm
I don't have a discord lol
Don't plan to get one either honestly
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