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Age : 28
Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2021-05-18

CS3 is hard to use, or maybe I'm using an older version? Empty CS3 is hard to use, or maybe I'm using an older version?

5/18/2021, 8:04 am
So, I have CS3, But it's from an old USB I found a while back, Thing is, it's a real old version of CS3. Is there any place I can purchase a newer version of it? I really don't want to use Adobe Animate, that program is utter garbage >:T

Also, I had a few questions on how to better Animation, Mainly-- I'm trying to figure out how to do different camera perspectives with shots, But I'm finding difficulty with doing it. Is there any tips on how to make 3rd Person shots?
Age : 20
Number of posts : 43
Registration date : 2019-03-23

CS3 is hard to use, or maybe I'm using an older version? Empty Re: CS3 is hard to use, or maybe I'm using an older version?

5/19/2021, 8:39 am
Maybe take a look in here, you'll probably find something in there related to your program problem

I'm not the type to really know a lot about 3d, but I recommend learning a bit about blender, and using Shuriken255's new v-cam to be able to combine both 3d stage, and 2d animation you'll get what I mean soon in the future

You should be able to look this stuff up on youtube, just some blender tutorials and shuriken255's v-cam, and you'll probably find what your looking for
Not sure how to quite help you with the camera perspective shots, but maybe that's something you'll get on your own over the time once you realize how perspective works, and how you can setup your stage and characters in order to pull off some cerrtain shots. You'd probably require a lof skewing and resizing maybe but I don't know lmfao.
Hope this helped
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