- YoskeySpritan
- Age : 22
Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2017-12-31
Greetings Spritans!
12/31/2017, 8:24 am
Greetings everyone!
I'm Yoskey and i have come to join your community!
I like spriting and hope that one day i'll be able to animate some of my favorite characters.
I do not have a sprite character of my own but i'm planning on creating one!
I also do not have any websites/many accounts on other websites. I do have a youtube account however i don't post anything on it so that's that.
I'm starting to get tired of using the letter "I" in the begin of every sentence now...
I hope that i'll be able to learn more about spriting and maybe even sprite animations at some point.
Happy Almost New Year everyone!
I'm Yoskey and i have come to join your community!
I like spriting and hope that one day i'll be able to animate some of my favorite characters.
I do not have a sprite character of my own but i'm planning on creating one!
I also do not have any websites/many accounts on other websites. I do have a youtube account however i don't post anything on it so that's that.
I'm starting to get tired of using the letter "I" in the begin of every sentence now...
I hope that i'll be able to learn more about spriting and maybe even sprite animations at some point.
Happy Almost New Year everyone!
Re: Greetings Spritans!
12/31/2017, 3:23 pm
Welcome to da site! Hope you enjoy your stay here and can't wait to see your animations!
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