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Age : 21
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2017-10-14
Location : Sweet Home Alabama

First (Test) Animation! Empty First (Test) Animation!

10/21/2017, 11:26 am
Okey-dokey, I'm-a back!

Anyhow, this is my first animation that I managed to put together by watching many tutorial and experimenting with Flash a little.

Criticism is welcome, because I want my first official animation to be as good as possible!


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First (Test) Animation! Empty Re: First (Test) Animation!

10/22/2017, 11:47 am
Not a bad start. I think animating it at 1280x720 might be a bit much though lmao you can always animate at a smaller dimension that has a 16:9 aspect ratio and then use Swivel (Download it here) to convert your SWF file to a video that is 720p or even 1080p instead.

But yeah this is looking pretty decent. I didn't know what was going on with sonic running in place though and then it seemed like all of a sudden he was getting hit by mario's hammer. You should definitely go back to that spot and think about what exactly you're trying to show the audience in this moment. Was sonic running in place to charge speed? Did he blast off but Mario read his movement and countered with his hammer? I think that's what you were going for but it's hard to tell with everything happening so suddenly. Also make sure you have Onion Skin turned on so that you know where to put sprites so that they don't move around when they should be stationary.

But yeah this isn't a bad start at all. Keep it up!
Age : 21
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2017-10-14
Location : Sweet Home Alabama

First (Test) Animation! Empty Re: First (Test) Animation!

10/22/2017, 2:12 pm
Thank you for the feedback, Rapidfir3pho3nix! I'll be sure to take it into account when I start my next animation!
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