- UALazyCatSpritan
- Age : 31
Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2017-08-26
Dark Naruto vs Naruto
8/26/2017, 7:08 pm
I still have the file to this anim but still debating to continue it, if anyone would like the file to work on it themselves then please let me know
Re: Dark Naruto vs Naruto
8/28/2017, 3:14 pm
This was looking pretty good!
Also I can tell you're probably a pretty big fan of YuuMon. He has a nice style so it's not bad but don't try to copy his style too much. Definitely work on creating your own style some more.
Also I can tell you're probably a pretty big fan of YuuMon. He has a nice style so it's not bad but don't try to copy his style too much. Definitely work on creating your own style some more.
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