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Age : 30
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

Getting our names out there! Empty Getting our names out there!

4/26/2017, 3:47 pm
Hiya, so some of you may or may not have noticed but I've been making a few small changes around the site. Adding a search bar, including a like/dislike system, etc., and even though these are pretty small changes they are changes that, for me at least, help the site feel more complete. There are still bigger features I want to include for sure, but those features are just extras and have no effect on the "completeness" of the site.

So now that I've more or less "completed" the site I want to shift to a different focus which is what the title of this post is about. Essentially, I would like for us all to focus on getting our community out there. I've always felt The Spritas was a special place and I and many other want to see it grow to be a big community with tons of people interacting and making animations and sprites and collabing together and just being a good community. Now you could be thinking "But Rapid? What can I even do?" Well, luckily for you there are a couple of pretty simple ways we can get our names out there more.

The first and most important thing we can all do is advertise The Spritas. So what do I mean by that?

Essentially, any time you make something and share it with the world be it your cool animations or your awesome sprites, throw The Spritas in there somewhere. You can use the logo and put it on your sprite sheets at the bottom, you can add a link like https://www.thespritas.com to your descriptions, you can use The Spritas intro and vcam and preloader (all that can be found here), there's a lot of good ways to advertise the site.

The second and still very important thing we can do is interact on the site and our different communities across the internet. I created a topic that shows all of our different communities we have and you can access that link here: The Spritas Official Channels and Pages! Interacting in these areas are a good way to get our names out there because it extends our community beyond just the site and the Discord channel.

Now, obviously, if you don't want to do any of this you don't have to. You guys are under no obligations to advertise the site or anything like that, but I do think it would be good to do if you want to see The Spritas grow and flourish. Now that I've essentially finished working on the site (for now) I'm gonna focus a lot more on finishing some of my own animations and trying to get The Spritas name out there but I definitely can't do it alone. If y'all got any more ideas then go ahead and post them below! Let's work together to make this community better!
Age : 27
Number of posts : 89
Registration date : 2013-07-01
Location : Chicago

Getting our names out there! Empty Re: Getting our names out there!

4/26/2017, 4:06 pm
Collabs. I'll post some ideas later on, but we need big collabs that are forum based. Most people came to know thespritas because of the work this forum has produced like Mario's Castle Calamity collab. Stuff like SMC3 got Still-framed and Maplemation booming, and people still go on Maplemation because of latest collabs like Smash Pig 2 and Hageshii Sukiru Bash 3.
Age : 24
Number of posts : 56
Registration date : 2016-12-09
Location : Canada

Getting our names out there! Empty Re: Getting our names out there!

4/26/2017, 4:21 pm
Hope this helps:
Age : 30
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

Getting our names out there! Empty Re: Getting our names out there!

4/26/2017, 4:23 pm
Yeah I think collabs are a good idea. Doesn't hurt to try them at least. The only concern is that a lot of collabs tend to get started fine but then become unfinished once real life starts getting in the way. It sucks but that's just the way it is sometimes. I still think it's worth a shot though for sure and I'll do what I can to help out lol
Age : 18
Number of posts : 22
Registration date : 2017-02-11
Location : United Kingdom

Getting our names out there! Empty Re: Getting our names out there!

4/27/2017, 1:35 am
I think if more people start publishing animations to the Spritas Youtube/Newgrounds we'll get more visitors and more people will know about us. If people type in "Sprite Animation" they'll probably find one of our community's animations.
Age : 33
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Registration date : 2010-09-08
Location : Drinking your expired K

Getting our names out there! Empty Re: Getting our names out there!

4/27/2017, 6:20 am
yea we've been trying to do that, only issue is most of us are busy and can't get anims out on a regular basis
Age : 30
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

Getting our names out there! Empty Re: Getting our names out there!

4/27/2017, 10:34 am
I mean tbh it doesn't even need to be a regular basis, we just need to start getting animations out there.
Age : 18
Number of posts : 22
Registration date : 2017-02-11
Location : United Kingdom

Getting our names out there! Empty Re: Getting our names out there!

4/27/2017, 11:17 am
5h0ck wrote:yea we've been trying to do that, only issue is most of us are busy and can't get anims out on a regular basis

True. I mean, animation (as I'm sure you know) does take time.
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