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Age : 25
Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2017-04-03
Location : A Pixelated Kingdom

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4/3/2017, 11:00 am
Hey everybody that has stumbled upon this little topic in the introduction forum! The name's Yeoy!
My real name is Stijn Buedts.... weird name isn't it? well that's cause I live in Belgium :p
I am 18 years old and I'm a big fan of sprite animation! and eventually, I wanna become one of the best sprite animators out there! sunny

I technically have been a sprite animator since I was around 7-8 years old.
I started a channel on youtube called: sonicstino (as I was a pretty big fan of sonic ; ) )
The videos I wanted to post on this channel weren't sprite animations at first. I wanted to make let's play videos! But all I had was a shitty camera, no recording device and... me... a loud, obnoxious 7 year old that would record the screen and yell loud into the microphone how amazing the game was.
That didn't work out too well ( ; ^^)
But then, one day, I stumbled upon a video that was called: Super Mario Bros Z! a sprite animation by Alvin Earthworm!
I was immediately hoocked and wanted to make my own series! and that's when my sprite adventures began ( ^^)

If I haven't bored you to death yet, I'll go a little deeper into why I stopped sprite animating, but it's a bit long so I'd understand if you don't feel like it. Without further ado! I'll continue!!!

I created video such as: Stino The Hedgehog, Stino's Pokémon Adventure, Mario goes coo coo crazy (yes, that was the name xD), etc.
But after a while... everybody around me that liked sprite animations... stopped... Alvin Earthworm left, friends of mine stopped animating too... and some also even left youtube... so i slowly started to lose interest in it... I then learned how to record myself playing video games and.... yeah.... tried to do that for a bit but I was never good at it. ( ; ^^)

I eventually came back to sprite animations, as, remembering that old channel made me wanna do it, i think :)
I made another channel 'as I deleted sonicstino) and called it: PixelRainonStorm. I made a few videos on it. And me loving every single hour I put into those videos... but due to problems with my laptop at the time, and personal stuff... I couldn't do much but give up yet again...
I really loved sprite animation though, working on them all day and night, talking to people on skype about our series and sharing ideas... It was amazing! and I loved it!
This is why I came to this forum... to talk with people about our creations! To share ideas and help eachother improve!!!
This is why I can't get enough of sprite animation! Because it is just SO much fun! and because we are all into this together! Making content with sprites!
( ^^)
Age : 32
Number of posts : 7619
Registration date : 2010-09-08
Location : Drinking your expired K

I'm new here! nice to meet you ;) Empty Re: I'm new here! nice to meet you ;)

4/4/2017, 7:23 am
hey man, welcome to the site
Age : 25
Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2017-04-03
Location : A Pixelated Kingdom

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4/4/2017, 7:46 am
Thanks a lot dude! : D I am new to this so I don't know too much about using this site... heck, I don't even know if I'm responding in the right way xD
Age : 32
Number of posts : 7619
Registration date : 2010-09-08
Location : Drinking your expired K

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4/4/2017, 7:37 pm
Your fine just relax. If your unsure about something either double check the rules or ask someone.
Age : 24
Number of posts : 56
Registration date : 2016-12-09
Location : Canada

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4/14/2017, 12:29 pm
Yeoy wrote:I had was a shitty camera, no recording device and... me... a loud, obnoxious 7 year old that would record the screen and yell loud into the microphone how amazing the game was.
That didn't work out too well ( ; ^^)
Is it weird that it reminds me of SammyClassicSonicFan xD
Also, welcome! I am that guy who made those 2 videos you commented on!
Age : 29
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

I'm new here! nice to meet you ;) Empty Re: I'm new here! nice to meet you ;)

4/14/2017, 2:14 pm
Welcome to da site. don't hesitate to ask any questions or anything!
Age : 25
Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2017-04-03
Location : A Pixelated Kingdom

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4/14/2017, 2:58 pm
ThePixelation wrote:
Yeoy wrote:I had was a shitty camera, no recording device and... me... a loud, obnoxious 7 year old that would record the screen and yell loud into the microphone how amazing the game was.
That didn't work out too well ( ; ^^)
Is it weird that it reminds me of SammyClassicSonicFan xD
Also, welcome! I am that guy who made those 2 videos you commented on!
*insert knuckles: oh no here* They are onto me, gotta go quick before the memes start. *insert gotta go fast here*
xD okay, I can assure you that it was nothing like that xD I am still a sonic fan and that won't change.... but I'm not as die hard as he was xD
I like my sanic's too :p

Haha, thanks :) Glad to be here with you all ( ^^)
No shit xD Glad you remember it tho :p
Age : 25
Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2017-04-03
Location : A Pixelated Kingdom

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4/14/2017, 3:00 pm
Rapidfir3Pho3nix wrote:Welcome to da site. don't hesitate to ask any questions or anything!
Thanks a lot! : D Glad I can be a part of the community ( ^^)
Age : 29
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

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4/15/2017, 9:49 am
Just a heads up lol. Double comments are against the rules unless your second post is at least a day after your other post. If you have more information to add then you can edit your original post with the edit button. This is rule is in place to keep people from just spamming posts all the time lol

Last edited by Rapidfir3Pho3nix on 4/15/2017, 11:33 am; edited 1 time in total
Age : 32
Number of posts : 7619
Registration date : 2010-09-08
Location : Drinking your expired K

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4/15/2017, 10:51 am
yo that reminds me, can you make it so the site treats an edited post as a "new" post. because the way it is now no one really notices when a post has been edited and assumes theres nothing new to read. this is a suggestion I've had in mind for a loooooong time but kept forgetting to bring it up.
Age : 29
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

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4/15/2017, 11:36 am
That would be cool but that's something Forumotion would have to implement on their end. I can't make old posts seem like new posts unless there's a new comment in that thread lmao
Age : 24
Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2017-05-18
Location : U.S, Florida
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I'm new here! nice to meet you ;) Empty Re: I'm new here! nice to meet you ;)

5/18/2017, 11:42 am
Welcome! and So sorry! I didn't meant to dislike, I meant to like it, but I clicked it wrong! xD
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