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Age : 25
Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2017-04-03
Location : A Pixelated Kingdom

AFSA: Sonic And The Ledge Empty AFSA: Sonic And The Ledge

4/3/2017, 10:33 am
Hello all you amazing people here on: The Spritas!
I just joined today and I really wanted to show my sprite animation to you all ( ^^)
I used to make sprite animations before on an older channel called: sonicstino.... but I wasn't all that good with it, I could never afford adobe flash so all I had was paint and windows movie maker :p eventually I quitted... but recently, I came back to it! I missed it so much and after making a video, I realised how much fun I have while making these! So I want to show you the video I made ( °U°) It is far from good.... but... It's a start :) and I hope that I can become one of the best sprite animators out there! Hope you enjoy! sunny 

Age : 29
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

AFSA: Sonic And The Ledge Empty Re: AFSA: Sonic And The Ledge

4/14/2017, 2:17 pm
Wait did you make this in paint cuz if you did then holy shit

And damn that was really funny. Keep up the great work!
Age : 25
Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2017-04-03
Location : A Pixelated Kingdom

AFSA: Sonic And The Ledge Empty Re: AFSA: Sonic And The Ledge

4/14/2017, 3:11 pm
Rapidfir3Pho3nix wrote:Wait did you make this in paint cuz if you did then holy shit

And damn that was really funny. Keep up the great work!
Yeah :) I did this in paint ( ^^)
well, except for the moments where the badniks started to rotate and such, but appart from that, each, I made it in paint :)
I'm gonna try and use Flash from now on but it's some getting used to... I am working on 2 projects which I both had planned for this week... and I believe I might just BARELY be able to make 1...

Thank you so much! : D I'm glad people find it funny as I was worried it might be a bit too much or just not funny at all.
Age : 29
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

AFSA: Sonic And The Ledge Empty Re: AFSA: Sonic And The Ledge

4/15/2017, 9:57 am
Hooooooly shit this is really good for a paint anim. Anyways if you need help getting things going in Flash I highly suggest watching both Eric's and Spritefan's tutorials on Flash as well as read tutorial by Lange.

Eric's and Lange's tutorials are found in the tutorials section.

Spritefan's tutorials.
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