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Age : 28
Number of posts : 12928
Registration date : 2008-11-18
Location : On the computer

Star Wars Empty Star Wars

12/17/2016, 1:28 pm
So I seen Rogue One yesterday, really glad cuz I DIdn't think I'd get to see it on the first day but I did. 

Holy crap was that so much better than Episode 7. It was honestly on par with the Original Trilogy and had probably one of hte top 3 battles in Star Wars so far. It also had way cooler shots than Ep.7 and was obviously much more daring and took more risks, the tone isn't even all that Star Wars. 


Edit: Also there was some CGI tomfoolery going on in the movie and is apparently divisive, both on which characters looked good/bad and and whether it should have  been done at all. I thought the first CGI character was really convinving, something was slightly off but I didn't even think it was CGI, I thought they recast the person as a lookalike, it was well done to me. The 2nd CGI character, holy shit that looked disturbing and I noticed it instantly. I really wish they didn't do that as it completely threw me out of the movie, even though it was literally the last few seconds of it.
Age : 29
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

Star Wars Empty Re: Star Wars

12/20/2016, 11:45 am
Yeah I definitely gotta check this out soon. Maybe this Friday I'll take the gf with me to see it. 

Also I gotta fix spoilers
Age : 28
Number of posts : 12928
Registration date : 2008-11-18
Location : On the computer

Star Wars Empty Re: Star Wars

12/21/2016, 1:48 pm
Rapidfir3Pho3nix wrote:Yeah I definitely gotta check this out soon. Maybe this Friday I'll take the gf with me to see it. 

Also I gotta fix spoilers
What's up with spoilers? 
Also wtf we have a voting system now?
Age : 29
Number of posts : 4910
Registration date : 2009-01-23
Location : Hollow Bastion

Star Wars Empty Re: Star Wars

12/22/2016, 11:12 am
Granadico wrote:
Rapidfir3Pho3nix wrote:Yeah I definitely gotta check this out soon. Maybe this Friday I'll take the gf with me to see it. 

Also I gotta fix spoilers
What's up with spoilers? 
Also wtf we have a voting system now?

Spoilers don't work. at least not for me, if I try to click it, nothing happens. I can still get to it and look at whats there. there's something up with the css making it visible when you click it.

and yeah vote for comments you like, it gives that user reputation which shows up on your posts and shiet
Age : 28
Number of posts : 12928
Registration date : 2008-11-18
Location : On the computer

Star Wars Empty Re: Star Wars

12/22/2016, 7:32 pm
Oh yeah it doens't show. Damn. Well no one's posted so it's not a huge deal.
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